Code of practice

Our vision

We believe greater understanding between individuals improves their quality of life. Our aim is to increase understanding by helping people communicate more effectively, especially through broadcast media and in the work place.

Our guiding principle

We regard the client organisation’s requirements and interests as paramount at all times.

Our code of professional practice

1) We will only accept work that complies with our vision, is in the scope of our professional experience, and in which the client can be served effectively.

2) We will agree formally with the client the scope, nature and deliverables of the services to be provided and the basis on which we will be paid. This will be agreed before we start the work. Any subsequent revisions will be subject to prior discussion and agreement with the client.

3) We will subcontract work only with the prior agreement of the client, and, except where otherwise agreed, will remain responsible for the performance of the work.

4) We will hold all information concerning the affairs of clients in the strictest confidence and will not disclose any information obtained during the course of assignments.

5) We will not use any confidential information about a client’s affairs, elicited during the course of an assignment, for personal benefit or for the benefit of others outside the client organisation.

6) We will not invite or encourage anyone working for or with the client to consider alternative employment, unless it is the purpose of the assignment.

7) We will make certain that advice, solutions and recommendations are based on thorough, impartial consideration and analysis of all available facts and relevant experience and are realistic, practicable and clearly understood by the client.

8) We will ensure that the client is kept fully informed about the progress of the assignment.

9) We will act with courtesy and consideration toward the individuals contacted in the course of undertaking assignments.

10) We shall avoid any action or situation inconsistent with our professional obligations or which in any way might be seen to impair our integrity. In formulating advice and recommendations we will be guided solely by the Vision of David Thomas Media and our objective view of the client’s best interests.

11) We will disclose at the earliest opportunity any special relationships, circumstances or business interests which might influence or impair, or could be seen by the client or others to influence or impair, our judgement or objectivity on a particular assignment.

12) We will disclose all relevant personal, financial or other business interests which could not be inferred from the publicised description of our work, and which could result in a conflict of interest.

13) We will not serve a client under circumstances which are inconsistent with our professional obligations or which in any way might be seen to impair our integrity.

14) We will not accept discounts, hospitality, commissions or gifts as an inducement to show favour to anyone. We will not attempt to obtain advantage by giving financial inducement to clients or their staff.

15) We will advise the client of any significant reservations we may have about the client’s expectation of benefits from an engagement.

16) We will not indicate any short-term benefits at the expense of the long-term welfare of the client without advising the client of the implications.

What our clients say:

David was fantastic, informal and incredibly knowledgeable! I learnt loads!
CalumTrainee, Glasgow

We are proud to have provided training for the following clients