What our clients say:
David was fantastic, informal and incredibly knowledgeable! I learnt loads!
CalumTrainee, Glasgow
I found myself hanging on every word.
Trainee, BBC
Your style was so clear that I understood the financial side of business for the first time, and am now even feeling a little bit excited about the future!
Amazing and very insightful! Discovering your website has been great and it is a fantastic resource.
AmirScreenSkills participant
I think this is, by a long way, the best workshop I have every been to. The facilitator was truly excellent.
BenBBCSetting up as a Sole Trader
After taking your training day I now feel a lot more confident going into the industry as a freelancer.
AneesahChannel 4 TraineeGlasgow
I feel so much more organised and less intimidated now
RebeccaRunner (ScreenSkills participant)
Wanted to thank you for all the information and advice during the course, some of the stuff I’ve learned I can implement super quickly and see rewards almost immediately.
GrzegorzFreelancerBECTUFinance for Freelancers
I highly recommend this course to anyone who is a freelancer or looking to become a freelancer, it was a clear and comprehensive overview of the main issues and how to address them.
BECTU Vision trainee, Scotland
An invaluable course covering many useful topics. David delivered clearly and with humour and kept our interest throughout, thank you!
Rebecca LeesFreelance writerCardiff